NO HAND-OFFS. All phases of Stellar IDI studies are conducted by Stellar principal, Dr. Studin. This means research projects do not have different people engaged in different elements of a project. It also ensures consistent expertise trained on all key questions in every interview, and that the senior principal writes the final report.
INDUSTRY LOGIC AND DECISION RULES. Decision rules and industry logic go to the core of the Stellar brand. Decision rules and industry logic are to the marketplace what biologic systems are to physiology. By focusing on decision rules and industry logic, Stellar qualitative studies give clients confidence in the generalizability of our findings, implications and recommendations.
CRAFTSMANSHIP MATTERS. Stellar is committed to intellectual craftsmanship. Our craftsmanship is based on a passion for understanding the intricacies of the issues we’re asked to analyze and for learning how decision-makers view the factors and trade-offs that shape their actions. Stellar craftsmanship assures clients of the highest caliber judgment in the work product we provide.
EXCELLENT RELATIONSHIP WITH RESPONDENTS. Stellar’s long-standing history with respondents has forged a trust and commitment that directly benefits our research findings and recommendations. When writing a final report, for example, new questions on important points invariably arise. Because of our excellent relationships, Dr. Studin routinely follows up with respondents by email and phone to get additional data and feedback on critical issues.
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